We are here to get your Body & Skin in good health without using nasty chemicals. You deserve great skin, don’t you?
We will help you with our mild soaps and lotions. We have Sprays that put minerals back into your body. There is something for everyone – goat milk soaps and lotions, essential oil sprays that get your body back to health, NO DEET Bug Spray, AromaTherapy Inhalers, and so much more!
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These products are made in small, fresh batches right here in the Hudson Valley, NY. I understand skin frustrations. I originally started making soaps and lotions in 2004 for a family member with sensitive skin. Family and friends loved the non-greasy feeling in my lotions, mild soap, and natural sprays that word started to spread around.
Today, I bottle and offer these products to you, and hope you love them as much as my family and friends.